I had a pair of blue jeans that I really liked. They were comfortable. They looked good. I was little bit happier when I was wearing them.
Then slowly, over time, they became less comfortable. I was getting bigger and they were just a little too tight. Then they were way too tight. I could not wear them so I hung them up in the back of my closet. They did not get thrown away or donated. I wanted to wear those jeans again… someday.
So I ended up reading and researching quite a bit over the years. It took a long time to find the information that that and figure out what worked for me. This is information that I wish I had known a long time ago. These things do not really seem to be taught. Well… the information is out there, but it is mixed in with a vast amount of other information. Most of the information out there is not helpful at all. But you don’t know which information is useful. It is all very confusing.
I eventually got back into those jeans. But it took longer than I liked (a LOT longer). This is my attempt to highlight the things that worked for me, the information that I found, and what allowed me to become healthier and happier. And to get back into those comfortable blue jeans.
A good place to start is with this story from college: Fats & Carbs